The following uncompromised journalists have been awarded the Serena Shim Award:
- Dimitri Lascaris
- Patrick Henningsen
- Rachel Blevins
- Ahmed Kaballo
- Belén Fernández
- John Pilger
- Garland Nixon
- George Galloway
- Camila Escalante
- Christelle Néant
- Ollie Vargas
- Scott Ritter
- Kim Ives
- Jeremy Kuzmarov
- Brian Berletic
- Oscar Leon
- Alina Lipp
- George Eliason
- Kit Klarenberg
- Jackson Hinkle
- Dan Kovalik
- Ajit Singh
- Ambassador Peter Ford
- Consortium News
- Alan MacLeod
- Richard Medhurst
- Danny Haiphong
- Margaret Kimberley
- Glen Ford
- Steven Sahiounie, Mideast Discourse
- The Grayzone
- Ryan Cristian, The Last American Vagabond
- Ben Norton
- Anya Parampil
- Aaron Maté
- Rick Sterling
- Dan Cohen
- South Front
- Alastair Crooke
- Kim Iversen
- Caitlin Johnstone
- name deleted at request of recipient
- Ajamu Baraka
- Julian Assange
- Black Agenda Report
- Sharmine Narwani
- Information Clearing House
- Venezuela Analysis
- Resumen Latinoamericano
- Dilyana Gaytandzhieva
- Finian Cunningham
- Gareth Porter
- Kevork Almassian/Syriana Analysis
- Moon of Alabama
- Whitney Webb
- MintPress News
- Max Blumenthal
- The Jimmy Dore Show
- Rania Khalek
- Vanessa Beeley
- Eva Bartlett