The Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism is a project of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, U.S. tax identification number 20-5516191, authorized by the Internal Revenue Service to receive tax-exempt donations for human rights advocacy.
All donations are tax deductible in the United States. We do not accept donations from government entities or for-profit corporations, only from private individuals or other tax-exempt corporations . Reports that we do otherwise are grounds for prosecution for libel.
Enter the amount you would like to donate or choose an option below for a one-time or recurring monthly donation:
Please mail to:
Serena Shim Award
405 Vista Heights Rd.
El Cerrito, CA 94530
Wire Transfer
For security reasons, we ask you to call us to arrange a wire transfer at:
+1 510 232 2500
PLEASE NOTE: We are required by the US Internal Revenue Service to provide receipt letters to all persons or institutions that donate more than $250 in one calendar year. Our practice is to provide receipt letters for all donations of $50 or more, and to mail them all at one time in January for the preceding year. If you need an earlier acknowledgment, please let us know.